Friday, April 29, 2016

Body Sculpting with VASER Hi-Def

Zumba, pilates, circuit traning, cross fit, insanity -- you name it, we've all, at some point, tried it,  to achieve an athletic, chiseled and sculpted body we've always wanted?  But we are somehow disappointed, because with 100% effort and time that we've given, we still fall short from achieving the ideal sculpted body.  Why?  There are many reasons -- age, environmental and physiological factors.  

Yes.... AGE.  But will you be shocked if I tell you, that the lady in this picture,  is a 39 year old working mom of two beautiful kids.  

How did she achieve that gorgeous body?  Here's the secret  :)    ---  VASER Hi Definition Liposculpture.  

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Are you looking for Japanese food that really tastes as it would in Japan?  Then GO-EN, the Japanese Ramen Shoppe is where you should go!

Named after the five yen piece often exchanged between friends and considered lucky both for money and relationships, this restaurant opens the door to Japan's home cooking. 

Indeed, we were lucky to have a taste of what GO-EN has to offer when owner Ambie Burac, invited us, the production team of WTF (Wala Talagang Forever sa Malacanang) for dinner.   Ambie co-owns GO-EN with her business partner Marilyn Pefianco, who is also the Chef and the originator of all the delectable dishes served in the shoppe. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


As a family, we make it a point to go on DIY travels at least twice a year. As a practical mom, I am always on the look out for ways on how to spend money wisely, so I am in constant search for budget hotels.  As an adventurous squad, we are always out of the hotel, going on sea or city tours, exploring the new environment, doing some food tripping.... and we just use the hotel to freshen up and sleep for the night.  

I was happy to be invited to the Hotel Sogo "Thanksgiving Media Party"  held at the Skybar Grill and Restaurant last April 22.  Because Hotel Sogo basically is the answer for our hotel needs.  We can check in for just 3 or 12 hours.... no need to pay for an entire day.  That is a lot of savings indeed!  

Friday, April 22, 2016


It’s Earth Day today.  It’s the 46th year of this movement.  It was in 1970 when we celebrated it first... when people started to be conscious of different environmental issues... it was also the year I was born.

Earth Day reminds me of things I enjoy, gifts of nature that are showered upon us.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2016



This is one BIG adventure for the Perez family, when we started our journey to Cagayan.  We weren’t sure if our MPV, which just had its automatic transmission replaced, can weather the 12hour  (minimum)  drive;   We also weren’t sure if we can survive the trip with two dogs on board;  But we just kept our fingers crossed and to the North we drove....

We left the house at 3:30am, March 20.  We wanted to be ahead of the traffic rush.  The drive up north was pretty smooth... but there were LOTS of road construction as we approach Sta. Fe.  We had brunch in Nueva Ecija.  We cannot all eat at the same time.  Hubby had to stay with the dogs.  Katniss was a bit stressed, didn’t want to eat.