
Wednesday, July 12, 2017


I never imagined that I will become a pet parent.  I have always find dogs to be too noisy, and cats to be nasty scratchers.  And yes, I am afraid of bites and painful scratches.

But when my kids were born, someone advised us to get some furry babies.  They said, living and interacting with a family pet increases empathy and compassion in children. Plus I still believed what I heard in my previous hometown, where there is an age-old belief, that when your child gets sick, and their is a dog in the family, the dog sometimes gets the sickness.  The belief says "isinasalba ng mga aso ang mga bata" in sickness and emergencies.  

Kids' first pets at 2009

In 2012, we got ourselves two furry pals -- two labradors named Champ and Milo.  Champ is named as such, because he was the lone survivor in a sibling of five, and Milo -- oh well he is a chocolate lab, hence the name  :)

We also got ourselves a cat -- by fate / accident.  One morning, the kids were on their way to school, we heard a loud meow coming from a vacant lot. And there she was -- we named her Richard Parker (because we just finished watching Life of Pi, and I found the tiger cute hehehe).  We talked to her for a while, and after that she didn't want to leave us. She followed us to the house, and never left ever since.  As in literally -- she just makes tambay in the four corners of the lot and never go astray.  

Richard Parker when we got her in 2013

Richard Parker now
Fast forward to 2015 and we were caught off guard when suddenly Champ became lethargic one day.  We brought him to the vet but it was too late.  We didn't catch his leptospirosis on time.

Yes... we cried for days.  We missed dear Champ.  Milo was also lonely.  He missed his playmate.  That was when we decided to get another dog.  So the entire family won't be lonely -- not just an ordinary dog, but a rescued pup.

May I introduce you to Katniss.  

She is a rescued dog from Cavite.  She was small and aloof when we got her. But I was totally smitten by her.  Why not?  She is my companion when hubby and teens are out on weekdays.  She won't leave  my side the entire day, following me around the house wherever I go.  She even sleeps on my side of the bed. She has this weird habit that when she sleeps, any part of her body should be touching my feet / legs  :)

Katniss now... isn't she so cute??? 

When I talk to her, she seems to understand.  And how does she talk back?  She stares. She even knows how to ask permission if she wants to go up on the bed, chair or daybed. She just puts her chin on the bed/chair, will not move a bit, until I give her the permission to go up.  Clever huh!

Raising Katniss was not easy.  When left alone in the house, she suffers from separation anxiety.  She ripped part of the sofa, made a mess with my gardening soil and destroyed the terrace door.  

To solve the problem, everytime I leave the house now I talk to her for about five minutes, and tell her that momma will be back and she just be a good girl.  So far -- problem solved. No Katniss-the-destroyer-when-left-alone anymore!

Last year, the family went on a 15-hour road trip to Cagayan, with both Milo and Katniss. They were both well behaved.  But after a day, Katniss ran away when we left her with the relatives as we explored Palaui. 3 days after, when we came back, I was so broken hearted to learn the news... but it was a happy ending because we found her, hiding in a nearby vacant lot, hungry and afraid.  Her separation anxiety needs to be dealt on a day to day basis and we are all adjusting.  

And now, the fluffy furry family is growing, with the addition of Richard Parker's kittens -- Tito, Vic and Joey.  Three kittens with different personalities but all are cute and adorable.


1.  Our fluffy friends never get tired of showing love and affection through cuddling and snuggling. They are comfortable with us, trust us, and we feel loved by them.


2.  Our fluffy friends, especially the dogs have their own way of communicating. It is truly fun to understand what they want... and truly rewarding when they respond to our commands.

3. Richard Parker, who is now a mother to her kittens, has shown me how mothers are so protective with their kittens.  She's always ready to battle it out with the dogs when she feels her kittens are threatened. 

4.  Life is really sunshiny and happy when everyday becomes an opportunity to have a selfie with your fluffy friends.

Life is joyful when you have fluffy friends to take care of.  To all the furry parents, do share with me your memorable experiences with your pets and your secrets on how to take awesome photos of them!!!  

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