
Tuesday, May 31, 2016




The first time I saw "MNL Growkit", I was really intrigued. It just popped out from a friend's Facebook feed.  So I immediately got in touch with them so I can try out their grow kits.



This is the day I got hold of my growkits.  When I opened it, was so impressed --- It is a 
simple box complete with everything you need to grow your own organic edible and ornamental plants.  There is an instruction inside, a complete guide from growing to fertilizing to harvesting. And I think if you know how to follow instructions, there is a big chance you will be able to reach the end goal -- to harvest what you sow!

Armed with passion and interest in organic gardening, and the excitement of growing my own food and grow beautiful flowers -- I am all set for my MNL Growkit Experience.

Liederabend: A Night of German Songs

There was a stage in my kids' school life that they showed interest in playing the guitar. They got the interest from their tatay, who loves to play the instrument.  We encouraged it, for we believed that music boosts mental power.  It stimulates parts of the brain that are related to reading, math and emotional development.  So a BIG thanks to my kids' elementary school, Raya, for making music a big part of their school life!

And speaking of music -- do you want to enjoy a night of pure guitar magic?

Saturday, May 28, 2016


Ok, here's the deal.  I am a mommy-blogger... notice the hierarchy?  Mommy before blogger... so in dealing with everyday schedule, I am first and foremost a mom. And I am the mommy master multi tasker.  I am the kind of person, who commutes to and from work (taxis not allowed, budget destroyer),  willing to squeeze in 2-3 more things to be done a.k.a "detours."   My typical sked is something like this --- wake up early, clean house, need to finish early so I can ride the motorbike with my hubby up to the village entrance - blogging event, grocery, pay bills, go home.  It is simply unacceptable to go out of the house with just one schedule to accomplish.

And I did it again.  I simply had to go out and buy that long overdue school supplies of my son. Good thing I have this event invite in SM North Edsa -- so I accomplished 3 things -- bond with my son, buy the school stuffs and attend an exciting event!  What an accomplishment!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I attended last Saturday, May 21 my first Blogapalooza event, where bloggers and businesses get to interact with each other.  
having a FUN time with fellow mommy blogger Jing  :)

happy and blessed with my BLOGAPALOOZA loot bag
As an early bird, the first booth that caught my attention was SpeedyCardsPh.  Admittedly, I went to the event with a newly printed business card, BUT....  there was an itsy-bitsy tiny bit of an error on it  (blame it on my cramming).  The grapevine told me, that it would be futile to attend Blogapalooza without a business card... so I asked SpeedyCardsPh to print me a new one, with that small error corrected.  I was surprised that they were very efficient in dealing with my request.  They asked me to sign, access my email to get my card's design, and after 2 hours... voila!  My new and corrected business card is ready for distribution  :)

I had a short chat with the people of SpeedyCardsPh, and learned that they are new in the business, barely 2 weeks old.   And for all the Blogapalooza bloggers who signed up with them last Saturday, they get FREE business cards.  Whats more awesome, it will be delivered to their doorsteps!  

If you want to get in touch with them, just visit   here

Mobile: +63917.623.3457

FB/IG/Twitter: speedycardsph

Friday, May 20, 2016


Okay here's the deal.  When I went into blogging, I was so happy that I would be a "work at home" mom.  Being in the TV industry for 20+ years,  my schedule was so hectic that I missed out on my kids' growing up years.  But hey, I was given a second chance at motherhood.  Choosing to be a freelance writer, and a mommy blogger gave me more time with my teens now.  But the more I spend time with them, the more I see major changes in our relationship:

1.  they are all grown up, that they have their OWN schedule, that I am not included anymore.  Time with the "squad", basketball and soccer games, etc.

2.  sometimes when I tell them about things that I'm excited about, they're not at all interested in what I am saying.  As if, our interests now are universe apart.

3.  I really have to accept that they are OLD enough to take on responsibilities.

So when I got an invite to go to Baguio for a 3-day blogging event, I had to let go, and trust that my teens, with their tatay of course, will survive the days without me.  And I also took the opportunity for some ME-time with fellow bloggers, to just experience and enjoy the cool weather.

It was the perfect getaway, spent in the cozy and modern Azalea Hotel and Residences Baguio, located in Leonard Loop Baguio City, just across Teacher's Camp. It is Baguio's first and only 4-star serviced apartment hotel that will make every family vacation, group getaway or romantic retreat more memorable.  

Monday, May 9, 2016



Beat the heat this summer as you brace yourself and get ready for a while new level of gruesome action and high pumping adrenaline experience with this year's Guerilla Race!
But its not all action, just like the previous Guerilla Races, part of the proceeds will be donated to the Armed Forces of the Philippines Educational Benefit System Office (AFPEBSO) to assist the education of the orphans of our soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the service to the country.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


For Mother’s Day, I would like to wear a T-shirt with these words printed on it. Because just the other night, my mother just literally came out of my mouth!

Conversation with my son...
Me:    Please clean your room.
Son:   Later... (playing his online game)
Me:    It’s been 2 weeks...
Son:   Ok...  (cleans his room in an amazing, record breaking 2 minutes)
Me:    You’re finished?
Son:   Yeah...  (busy again with his computer game)
Me:    When I was small, my mom always tells me to clean my room. After cleaning, she runs her finger on top of the table and if she finds dust... I’m grounded. Would you like me to do the same with you? And no computer for a week!
Son:   Duh?